RR's Ramblings

End of an era: Post Office Box closed
August 22, 2023
by Randy Brukardt

One of the very first things we did at the start of R.R. Software was rent a Post Office Box for mail. At the time, we were working out of our student appartment, and like most students, we were moving every August. We needed our business mail to go to a consistent location, thus we rented a Post Office Box at the post office across the street from our bank at the time. Thus our address of P.O. Box 1512, Madison WI 53701 was born.

In the early days, most orders would arrive in the P.O. Box, accompanied (hopefully) by a check. And bug reports often arrived there as well, with a printout or floppy disk enclosed. It would be another 15 years before the Internet was generally used, and bug reports phoned in rarely had code making reproduction difficult.

Fast forward 42 years. (Gosh!) It's been a couple of years since an order arrived in the P.O. Box (and it probably was a decade without any mail orders before that one). Indeed, mainly junk mail comes there now. We haven't moved in years and have no plans to do so. But we still spend several hours a month going to the post office to pick up Post Office Box mail.

The Post Office more than doubled the rent on Post Office Boxes last year. Given that we hardly get any useful mail there anymore, it no longer makes sense to pay that rent. So, as of today, we're closing our Post Office Box. Any mail should be sent to our street address:

621 N. Sherman Ave., Suite B6
Madison WI 53704

Mail sent to the P.O. Box address for the next couple of months should get forwarded to our office, but please do not count on that.

As always, contact us if you have questions.

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